But why?

It is a common misconception that reaching your fitness goals is as simple as calories in vs calories out. While this is important, especially when creating a deficit, the quality of food that you are consuming is paramount. Not all calories are created equal!

You can’t fuel your body with junk and expect it to perform while training, or just going about everyday life. It is like expecting your car to run smoothly without proper fuel. Different nutrients have different physiological effects on the body and hormones. Processed carbohydrates and sugars only spike your insulin and lead to a crash that will deplete your energy and leave you unmotivated to train 🥱

If you are under-eating (not consuming an adequate amount of calories or nutrients), you won’t have the energy to train. Restrictive eating paired with hardcore training will leave your body leaning on its muscle mass for energy, and muscle growth will be impaired due to low hormonal levels.

Poor nutrition can lead to a weakened immune system, micronutrient deficiencies and increased inflammation throughout your body, which can leave you more susceptible to getting sick or injured 😵. Limit pro-inflammatory foods like sugar, alcohol, processed carbohydrates, gluten, commercial dairy, and soy, to combat this! 🍦

You need to eat to SUPPORT your training. This means consuming adequate protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Exercise alone will not lead to long-term weight loss. What you consume will ultimately dictate how your body looks! 🍎🥑🍳

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